Has Bruce Willis signed on for the sequel?
compound complex
JoinedPosts by compound complex
is armageddon starting ?
by stan livedeath inthe sky is so dark here in the south of the uk.
could be armageddon starting.. or then it could be dust particles in the atmosphere..
Is this the secret?
by compound complex in“and now here is my secret, a very simple secret: it is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” -- the little prince, by antoine de saint-exupéry..
compound complex
“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” -- The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Dietary Quirks Among JWs
by millie210 ini recently had to accompany an older family member out of state to a family reunion.
it was a big reunion and not much was overtly made of the fact that i am "misguided" and not attending meetings (lost soul that i am) which was nice.
the thing i noticed that i was most struck by was all the dietary quirks in evidence during our 3 days together.
compound complex
Hi, millie210:
I am old enough that cooking with aluminum still bothers me. -- road to nowhere
I don't have the facts at hand, but I believe you're correct about cooking with aluminum. Teflon is bad, too . . . right???
I personally prefer cast iron or my Lifetime. Yet a friend with an iron overload in her blood can't use cast iron. One man's meat is another's poison.
Good topic.
Dietary Quirks Among JWs
by millie210 ini recently had to accompany an older family member out of state to a family reunion.
it was a big reunion and not much was overtly made of the fact that i am "misguided" and not attending meetings (lost soul that i am) which was nice.
the thing i noticed that i was most struck by was all the dietary quirks in evidence during our 3 days together.
compound complex
Years ago, Lifetime Cookware was the rage. Maybe still?
I have an electric skillet, and is it ever perfect. Was quite expensive. Anyway, one sister who hawked them said Jehovah wants you to use these to cook your food.
Healthy bodies, healthy minds, healthy spirituality?
The Ever-Changing Song Book
by Cimarrona inthe songs in the old brown song book were way better than these new ones.
had they not changed the songs, i may never have left (halfway joking).
they gave no feeling, no soul (but of course there's no such thing as soul or whatever)!
compound complex
My first job at Bethel was stitching the pink song book. The deluxe version was produced where? Don't recall.
Then, the brown book, after I had left.
As resident piano player for the KH and assemblies, I found the pink was excellent because it was written in four-part harmony. The brown was far more pianistic in its layout. Both books provided chord symbols above the treble clef if the pianist wished to improvise the bass clef.
We rocked because I was an improviser. Boy, did the friends belt out the tunes when the music was live and soulful!
Wish there were a means for me to play my faves here.
Favorite Quotations from Movies
by compound complex in"the way you walked was thorny, through no fault of your own, but as the rain enters the soil, the river enters the sea, so tears run to a predestined end.
now you will have peace for eternity.
" -- maleva, the wolf man.
compound complex
Thanks, Everyone!
We really love our movies!
Through a Darkened Pane
by compound complex inmy frequent walks these last few years about the neighborhood so familiar to me would ordinarily be construed a pleasant enough non-event.
a little mild exercise - taken in small doses to keep the joints operating properly - and a keen eye peeled for the ever-changing face of nature have rendered the daily promenade a suitable diversion.
until recently.
compound complex
I intended never to return.
Then again, there are forces from within, those from without, that pull us in. If we resist the tugs at our minds and bodies, we are, nevertheless, shoved into that realm of darkness we endeavored so hard not to reenter once out.
Why did I return, above and beyond those unavoidable forces already alluded to? Was it curiosity over long-faded memories that kicked up inside my crazy head, pushing me to experience anew what had nearly killed me? If you escape the death trap of a burning building, what could possibly lure you back in, unless, of course, you forgot your beloved pet? No, it's the siren's call that beckons you back, giving you a sure vision that, truly, the building is safe, secure, and intact.
My building is not consumed in flames, and it gives an outward appearance of welcome. The door is ajar. By an unseen hand it swings open, but in protracted slow motion that makes me wonder what is real and what is imagined.
I know what not to do, but since when have I ever been sensible?
Exclusive "Truth" claims. A great comparison between JWs and Mormons!
by stuckinarut2 inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3lk8h3--ag.
compound complex
Keep your eyes on your spiritual leaders. They cannot lead you astray. -- LDS
Random and unsafe conditions
by ironsnake656 inone of the things that helped me in my awakening and fading process from jwland was something that i call "random failures".
let me explain it.
it happened like 4 years ago.
compound complex
I am so relieved to be freed from all this nonsensical surmising about life in paradise earth.
By nature, I am imaginative and prone toward the fantastical (my obsession with SF literature and movies, I guess). Now, I am such a down-to-earth realist that I wonder what happened to the "old" me.
Not complainin'!
Rough draft - partial to Preface Separate Identity vol. 2
by vienne insome of you may find this interesting.
feel free to comment, but remember this is a history only blog.
we do not discuss anything but history.. http://truthhistory.blogspot.com/2017/10/temporary-post-for-comments.html.
compound complex
I am enjoying this look into the past. It will, however, take me some time to peruse. One small thing:
For the last three quarters of a century the approach to so called “American Originals” has been based on a flawed, often superficial . . . (para. 3)
edited: so-called American Originals (The use of so-called [hyphenated] obviates the need for quotation marks surrounding the item modified.)
(I have further observations re: punctuation, if desired.)